Don't let life pass you by. Drink it in, explore, invite, excite, love and laugh! In order to get the most out of every waking (and sleeping) hour try some simple techniques to raise your vibration.
In your busy day, take 2-3 minutes and embrace "just being" as this will change your outlook toward your life. Even if as you are reading this post, you feel very fulfilled, happy and balanced. There is always room for further enlightenment. When you allow yourself the time and space to say "I am" it is providing the much needed love to yourself, which in turn will raise your frequency, energy, vibration. During this 2-3 minute interlude, notice the space around your body and then on the in breath notice "I am..." and then on the out breath let go of absolutely everything. Just let it be and allow yourself to tune in to the intense beauty of loving yourself. Allow yourself to just sit and breath trying to make your breath longer, fuller and more relaxed and you will automatically raise your vibration because a calm vibration is a high vibration. By taking the time to give yourself love, energy and space, it will in turn attract beautiful things into your life.
It only takes a few mindful lifestyle choices in order to raise your vibrational levels. It might be as simple as finding something of beauty and just appreciate it. Another easy way to raise vibration is to consider others and stop complaining or gossiping, instead rejoice and speak the truth. Be gentle with people. Often people are going through more difficult situations than we realize. It is important to exude kindness, sympathy and a helping hand. When you help others and share your love, you increase your vibration level.
Realizing that you have more control over your life than you thought can also increase your frequency. When you put your life in your hands, rather than the hands of others, you will feel a sense of freedom, choice and enlightenment. You must embrace the fact that you are the only person who can control your own destiny because you are awareness. Let it be natural to be in a wonderful state of energy, effortless, well-being. The more light that you allow in you, the brighter the world will be.
Another great idea that helps to increase your vibration is to drink energy charged water. This is done by simply, holding your glass with thumb and middle finger (heart mudra) and send the water love, then drink it.
"A hug is a universal medicine, it is how we handshake from the heart." -Anonymous-
Hugging increases vibration and decreases stress. Hugging gives an emotional lift, thus increasing vibration. I can remember reading a quote about hugging a while ago that stuck with me which was "A mother's hug lasts long after she let's go." Visualizing times when you were in the embrace of a loved one is sometimes equally as effective as getting a physical hug. For me personally, when an emotional lift is needed, I go back to my pre-teen days when I would curl up on my mom's lap and feel her warm embrace, while we sat in her favourite chair and just chatted. It is my "happy place."
We all know the benefits and importance of exercise for a healthy mind and body. Have you ever thought about the fact that exercise increases your vibration? When a person moves, physiologically they increase endorphins, thus happiness. When you move and excite the body, you also connect with the warmth of your own internal flame. Your body is an intelligent vehicle for the mind and spirit. Trust your body and love your body, as it will allow you to look inside, to where the spirit resides. Having true mind, body, spirit connections make us experience a higher reality and allow us to live a more vibrant life, thus increasing our vibration.

"Awareness is like the sun, when it shines on things, they are transformed" Thich Nhat Hanh
Shine on!
Love, Andie
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