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Monday, January 2, 2012


Happy New Year! It is often this time of year that we think about how fast the last 365 days have gone. We identify what we have accomplished, we make resolutions, we reminisce about the events during the year gone by and wonder what our future has in store. One of the greatest gifts that I gave myself in 2011 is the gift of time. I made a conscience effort EVERYDAY to sit with myself. It is a time I use to quiet my mind. In the silence, I stretch my mind to a place of calmness, less stress, no rush to be anywhere but right where I am. By giving myself time to just "be", it sets the tone for my entire day and I am able to accomplish much more. There is a saying the hurrier I go, the more behind I get. This rings true when a person doesn't give themselves the necessary time to reflect.

There have been moments in my life where I wish I could have reversed the clock. Perhaps it was when I sat through a really bad television program, or spent my precious time with a person who brought me down, rather than lifted me up, or enrolled in a course that I wasn't particularly passionate about. Unfortunately, I can not get that time back. The only thing that I can do about it now is remind myself in everything I do, AM I HAPPY DOING WHAT I AM DOING? As Benjamin Franklin said "Lost time is never found again". Make the most of every minute!

I am reading a book called Bounce by Matthew Syed. In this book he speaks about the importance of practice for success. One of the single ingredients needed for practice, besides motivation is time. I wish I embraced this concept twenty years ago.

Furthermore, if we all gave ourselves the gift of time we would have less conflicts, since we would have time to think rather than react. When you find yourself in a place of panic, anxiety or fear it can be helpful to conjure up a special place that you know will interrupt your train of thought. Take a few minutes to visualize yourself having the time of your life in this special place; laugh, smile, enjoy and feel relaxed. Trust me, it works. I like to set a date with myself in the wee hours of the morning, but you are free to return to that special place anytime you need to instill a calming sense of well-being and just give yourself a little time.

Don't count every hour in the day, make every hour count!

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