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Monday, January 18, 2010

Welcome -Gratitude

January is a time of resolutions, reflection, rebirth, rejuvenation and REPROGRAMMING. I begin the first of my weekly emails by saying WELCOME to a NEW YEAR! Let's begin 2010 by jumping off the scale and just taking baby steps to attain lasting results with regards to your health goals. Let's use this new year to rewire your brain to feel comforted by healthy behaviours. When we focus on just a couple small changes at a time (taking the stairs, parking further from the door, walking five minutes more everyday, doing mini bursts of strength training activities, such as dropping down and doing ten push ups, savouring your snacks), you begin to ingrain some healthy habits that last for a lifetime, rather than trying an all-or-nothing approach that fails because it becomes an arduous task. Trust me, you will feel stronger; inside and out!

One recent study from Kaiser Permanente found that people who received weekly emails about diet and fitness for 16 weeks substantially increased their levels of physical activity and intake of healthy foods like fruits and vegetables while cutting back on trans and saturated fats. Thus, for the next 16 weeks I will be your motivation to help you move more, eat healthy and look and feel better than ever!

TIP #1 of 16
Since this is the first of my emails for 2010, I feel it is appropriate to begin with the reflecting portion of what a new year brings. Think about everything that you are thankful for and focus on the positive things in your life. Grateful people report being more content and hopeful, which has direct health benefits. Start a gratitude journal. According to research by R. Emmons, Ph.D. people who write down what they're thankful for are 25 percent happier, exercise 33 percent more a week, sleep 30 minutes longer each night, and have 10 percent lower blood pressure. He suggests journaling for five to ten minutes three times a week. Think about the moments in your day big or small-that felt like gifts, and reflect on them.

For the next 16 weeks, I promise to be vigilant about my posts.

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