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Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Do you want to get fit?

I am always looking to vary my workouts to avoid boredom and fitness plateauing. I just recently bought a TRX suspension training kit. After watching the start up DVD and reading the set up manual, I took it for a test drive! I was totally in my element. TRX was designed by Randy Hetrick, a former Navy Seal on "location" using parachute straps. TRX builds strength, balance and flexibility, not to mention that it blasts fat. After minutes of being suspended in the air, balancing on one hand, I soon realized that although I am super stoked about the TRX, this type of training might make others want to vomit. It got me thinking about why and how people get fit.

There are thousands of excuses as to why people don't exercise daily, but with every single one of these reasons, comes a solution. The question is "Do you want to get FIT?" Ask yourself this simple question and if the answer is a wholehearted YES, examine the roadblocks that are keeping you from starting. Is there a reason you aren't starting today? Too tired, no time, injuries, intimidated or just plain lack of motivation? There are simple logical solutions to these problems, it is merely a mind over matter attitude. I promise, that once your "feel" how good exercise is for you, there will be no going back to a sedentary lifestyle. If the answer is "NO, I don't want to get fit" then you are digging yourself an early grave because you are on the road to DIS-EASE.

Too tired or no time? Get up just 10 minutes earlier and start with deep breathing techniques that will bring more oxygen to your system, then perform two sets of 15 simple abdominal crunches, followed by two sets of 12 lunges alternating legs and two sets of ten push ups. Done. Feel the difference and note your body-mind connection. You will be rejuvenated and ready to face the day.

When you are injured, it is generally in one area of the body. Rest this area, but work the rest of your body... You lower body should not suffer just because you have a sore shoulder. Be kind to your body by moving it, as this is part of the healing process!

If you feel intimated to start an exercise regime, then ask a friend to join you. There are power in numbers. Exercise buddies look out for each other and create an ambiance of security and comfort. I have lost count at the number of times that members of my group classes say "I really needed that class! I feel so much better now that I have exercised and at the same time had a chance to get my issues off my chest."

Lack of motivation is a big excuse for why people don't exercise daily. I can guarantee you that if you start by scheduling exercise in your day; like you do with the thousands of other commitments, such as going to the grocery store, dentist appointment, cooking dinner, attending your children's needs, it will soon become part of who you are and what you do and not be seen as a scheduled chore. It has to be something that you like to do so that you stick with it. Not moving, is not an option. Ten minute increments are just as good as extended workouts, so you don't need to do a block of exercise to get the benefits.

I hope that the next time you are asked the question, "Do you want to get fit?" you can answer with an enthusiastic, "I, fun and fantastic!" What better gift to give yourself and your family?
